Shanghai Yu-Life Toastmasters Club Meetings #368

meeting #368 @[2021-08-08 Sun]

The warm-up game was a kind of mini-TableTopics. It brought all the meeting attendees to the closing Olympic Game. I like the design from @Peter.

TableTopics is related to family and characteristics. The carefully selected words from TTM @Annabel show her considerate preparation. Many first time guests could pick a word and give an impressive speach. This is a good TableTopics session.

The sharing topic - non-voilent communication in parents-children relationship - was delivered by our guest @Joe. He has a very good command of the content and controlled the dicussion very well. His style fits the term non-voilent communication. Thanks to @Joe.

The prepared speech is a level-3 project from our @Julie. She vividly talked about her stories in project management, and summarized some valuable key elements in PM, namely, listen carefully and plan enough.

The evaluation team were mixed with new friends and old members, young generation and senoir citizens. Their evaluation was sharp and supportive. Many tips from the evaluation are worth taking home.

All in all, this is a meeting full of knowledge. Make sure you do not miss our next meeting. Stay tuned.

Special thanks to our guests:

@Wing Wong as SAA

@Helina Fan as Ah-Counter

@Caicai as Grammarian

@Dora as Timer

@Joe as Sharing Master

@Jeans as IE



@Sarah & her husband


@Jun Li


and a few more

agenda TableTopics Word of Today guest photo all photo
368th.pdf Family Origins Considerate guests.jpg all.jpg