Shanghai Yu-Life Toastmasters Club Meetings #370
meeting #370 @
Our SAA @Wing welcomed everybody used her calm style. She introduced the rules clearly and precisely.
The sharing topic - 35+ 职场向左向右 - attracted all the audience, because people in Toastmaters care about the meaning of their life as well as their career, no matter what their ages are. Our TTM @Annabel has rich experience in the Human Resource and career plan area. Hope her knowledge helps us all. Thanks to @Annabel.
TableTopics is also related to job: what does job mean for you. Is that money, happiness, fulfillment, sense of achievement? Many speakers expressed their understanding, their wish and their struggle. The TTM@Calin held the session with well-thought questions and fluent transitions. This is a good TableTopics session.
The prepared speech is a level-5 project. It is about a real club project plan. The expierence is a different view of project management.
The evaluation team were full of high-hands. Their encouragement gave a lot of confidence for the members, guests and club officers to improve. Their recommendations were valuable and spportive.
Thank to our guests:
@Jim as GE
@Sarah as TTE
@Zoe as Grammarian
@Lijun as Ah-Counter
@林泉 as Timer
agenda | TableTopics | Word of Today | guest photo | all photo |
370th.pdf | What does a job mean for you? | Develop | guests.jpg | all.jpg |