Shanghai Yu-Life Toastmasters Club Meetings #373
meeting #373 @
This is a special meeting. We moved our venue from Shangshufang bookstore to Shanghai Cordis hotel meeting room.
Peter led the group warmup game. Everybody was involved and the team were ready for a great meeting. SAA@Wing welcomed all the attendees and announced the meeting rules.
After President's business opening, TMD@Semy briefed agenda and brought our sharing master @Stefanie to the stage.
The sharing session was very creative and full of interaction and practice. People learned how to develop a interesting speech following a few simple steps.
Our new member@Shannon facilitated the TableTopics session - hotel and travel. There were many great questions and clever answers. It was clear that each one on the stage got to know how the impromtu speech worked.
I wanted to mention that the snacks prepared by the hotel during the break were of 5-star quality.
The two prepared speeches were from our new members. The IceBreaker from @Wing was her never-stop learning experience, which was full of passion to her life journey. This was a good start. Johnny's made impressive progress in his third speech. His audience invovlement skills attracted my attention through his whole speech.
The meeting officers and evaluation team have done their diligent job. @Jim's TTE was very acument and @Peter's GE was solid. I think everybody took some back.
This is a successful meeting. I hope the experience remains as a part of my memory and help me become invincible when facing hard times in life.
Thanks to our guests:
@Semy as TMD
@Stefanie as Sharing master
@Jim as TTE
@Zhang as Grammarian
and 2 lovely kids from @Johnny.
agenda | TableTopics | Word of Today | guest photo | all photo |
373rd.pdf | Hotel and Travel | Invincible | guests.jpg | all.jpg |