Shanghai Yu-Life Toastmasters Club Meetings #376

meeting #376 @[2021-10-17 Sun]

The meeting starts with a fire-up game from our SAA/TMD@Peter. People are hugging each other in laughter.

TTM@Peter prepares another innovative Table Topics. Each meeting attendee becomes the president of America for 2 minutes, and answers an interesting question from TTM. Some answers make people think, some make people laugh.

Two of the three prepared speeches are Ice Breaker speeches from our new members. They both deliver high quality performance. This encourages more new members to dominate the stage.

The evaluation from the team are very powerful. Their constructive opinion supports the growth of our members and our club.

This is a memorable meeting.

Thanks to our guests:

@Peggy as GE

@Jim as TTE

@Coco as Timer


agenda TableTopics Word of Today guest photo all photo
376th.pdf President Press Brief Dominate guests.jpg all.jpg