Shanghai Yu-Life Toastmasters Club Meetings #377

meeting #377 @[2021-10-17 Sun]

The TMD is @Coco, who is very well prepared to debut her first ever TMD. It turns our her show is excellent with elegant style, beautiful voice and smart connection between each session.

Once again TTM@Peter tries another innovative Table Topics. Each Table Topics speaker is selected by guessing a food without hearing any description of the food. An impromptu speech is given to get the priviledge to mimick the food.

Our VIP @Ryan delivers a fantastic educational sharing - rich content, good structure and various gestures and vocal variety. It is very inspiring to help us close the gap between knowing and doing. All we need to do is to ask ourselves sincerely three questions.

One prepared speech is from our senoir member. The practice and evaluation will help her to deliver the speech in a future formal occasion outside our club. The other speech is about Toastmasters mentor mentee project. The speaker tells the audience the body and soul experience with mentors in his career and life.

As always, the evaluation team are very passionate. Their powerful opinion and vivid demonstration help the members and guests to think and improve.

This is an unforgettable meeting.

Thanks to our guests:

@Coco as TMD

@Semy as TTE

@Ryan as Sharing master



agenda TableTopics Word of Today guest photo all photo
377th.pdf Eating Story body and soul guests.jpg all.jpg