Shanghai Yu-Life Toastmasters Club Meetings #379

meeting #379 @[2021-10-17 Sun]

Our SAA@Wing brings a detective warm-up game. Everybody is involved in active thinking. This unveils the curtain of a good meeting.

TMD@Wu Zhong leads the meeting smoothly using his natural aptitude of controlling the various situation. The transmit between sessions are connected with laughter. The atomsphere is very relaxed on this shining Sunday morning.

Our TTM@Peter starts the TableTopics session in beautiful music. He slowly introduces the theme - love. Guests and members tell their vivid stories with true emotion in their impromtum speeches. Whether the story is sad or happy, it is a story of glory in our life.

It is very inviting to see our members are working on their Pathways diligently: one IceBreaker and two advanced speeches. Two of the three individual evaluators are first time evaluators. They all gain invaluable experience in their Toastmasters journey.

The meeting officers and evaluation team are confident, sharp and encouraging. Their key message in this meeting isthat Toastmasters club like Yu-Life is not only a good place to practice English and public speaking, but also a community to socialize and gain confidence for many aspects of yourselves.

It is a joyful and meaningful meeting.

Thanks to our distinguished guests:

@Emma as Timer

@Tiantian as Ah-Counter

@Jim as TTE








agenda TableTopics Word of Today guest photo all photo
379th.pdf I love you Glory guests.jpg all.jpg