Shanghai Yu-Life Toastmasters Club Meetings #382
meeting #382 @
@Coco takes the TMD for the second time. She elegantly moves the meeting in a comfortable pace. Her beautiful voice and graceful gestures show the confidence in this not-easy role.
TTE@Johnny makes impressive first time show as a Table Topics Master. His quick wisdom demonstrates that Toastmasters stage can change people as long as they want to try new things.
Several impromtu speakers find their specific memory for their hometowns. Some for love, some for fun, and some for the scenery. The fascinating point is that a few attendees even find their town fellows. Toastmasters club is really a magic place.
The three prepared speeches from club members tell people vivid stories of their own. The speakers apply the skills learned from Pathways and previous feedback in the speeches, which help deliver the message effectively to the audience.
The evaluation team and meeting officers are very responsible in observing the meeting and giving constructive feedback. The timer's address in helping the meeting to control time lets me think once again about the overtime problem.
Thanks to our distinguished guests:
@Lisa as Ah-Counter
@Leon as IE
@Semy as hostee
Congratulations to the successful inauguration of Yu-Life club 202201-202206 officer team.
President: 吴中
Vice President Education (VPE): Justus
Vice President Membership (VPM): Peter
Vice President Public Relationship (VPPR): Shannon
Secretary: xws
Treasurer: Julie
Sergeant at Arms (SAA): Wing
Coco as VPE assistant
Winnie as VPPR assistant
Grace as VPM assistant
Tiantian as P/VPE assistant
agenda | TableTopics | Word of Today | guest photo | all photo |
382nd.pdf | Hometown | Fascinating | guests.jpg | all.jpg |