Shanghai Yu-Life Toastmasters Club Meetings #383

meeting #383 @[2021-10-17 Sun]

The debonair @Peter once again makes the TMD role like a flagship of Yu-Life club. His magnetic voice draws every meeting attendees' attention to the meeting. His finesses between each session seem effortless, while it is the result of long time TMD practice.

Our club member @Winnie makes her TTM debut today. She carefully prepared many interesting and well-connected questions about the topic of game. Impromptu speakers come to the stage one by one to express their ideas based on the questions. There is even a small follower-passing game in beween. This is a very successful and people-involving TTM session.

We again have three prepared speeches from club members - one Ice Breaker and two advanced speeches.The topics are based on their personal stories. This tells other members that speech topics are everywhere. They can reflect, they can connect, and they can resonate.

The evaluation team and meeting officers are very mature and sophisticated. The time control is very positive, and the meeting span is just within the planned schedule. We reach our time goal this time.

This is a meeting by the people for the people.

Thanks to our guests:

@Leo as GE



@Nancy as first time guest

agenda TableTopics Word of Today guest photo all photo
383rd.pdf Game debonair guests.jpg all.jpg