Shanghai Yu-Life Toastmasters Club Meetings #384
meeting #384 @
Our youngest member @Emma directs a very engaging warmup game. It involves all the people and makes a lot of fun. She is a talented SAA.
Long-time-no-see member @Calin boldly takes the seemingly daunting TMD role. lt turns out that she can handle the stage without problem. I am particularly fond of her opening that helps us quickly get into the Table Topics theme - animations.
@Julie 's confidence starts to boost after standing on the stage delivering longer speeches continuously for several meetings. This time she challenges herself again and acts as TTM with the topic of animations we pursued those years. Of course, the audience have a lot to say about all those unforgettable animation characters, like Monky King, Huluwa, 聪明一休,Steel armed Atom. There are a lot impressive stories in the impromptu speeches. I like @Darren 's vivid mimick of his hero in the speech. Whether as kids or as adults, animations always inspire us in various ways.
The three prepared speeches from club members are of surprisingly high quality. Two of them are from junior members delivering research speeches, which is often difficult. They both prepared visual aid to show that they are able to attract the audience. The third speech is acted by our famous @Peter. He not only uses visual aid, but also plays piano and sings a self-composed beautiful song, in the meantime allocates @Jim as the great guitar accompaniment. They win our standing ovation from hearts.
The evaluation team and meeting officers are overwhelmed by the impressive performance of the speakers. However, they still professionally do their due diligent jobs. Both encouraging commendation and constructive suggestion are communicated in the evaluation.
The meeting is a heart-touching performance.
Next Sunday, it will be our last meeting for 2021. We will organize a year end celebration after the meeting. Food, drinks, gifts and games will be prepared. Everybody is welcomed.
Thanks to our guests:
@Michael as Grammarian
@Leo as IE
@Jim as GE
agenda | TableTopics | Word of Today | guest photo | all photo |
384th.pdf | Animation | Impressive | guests.jpg | all.jpg |