Shanghai Yu-Life Toastmasters Club Meetings #387

meeting #387 @[2022-01-16 Sun]

President@Zhong Wu opens the meeting by introducing the history of Toastmasters International and Yu-Life club. He quickly makes the audience in a state of club meeting participants.

TMD@Michael debuts his first meeting host today in Yu-Life. He actually gives us a very big surprise. His calm and humorous style makes himself a shining star on the stage. People enjoys his introduction with a melody of laughter. This tells us that if you dare not try you never know how good you are.

Our TTM@Calin demonstrates her easy and friendly essence to conduct the topic of new year resolution. Whether a target or a plan, or even nothing, the bold speakers jump to the stage and express their thoughts clearly in 2-minute impromptu speeches. When they speak out, they make the resolution. Let's mark it and meet next year again.

Two prepared speeches are both for Pathways Level 2 project. You can see that club members gradually feel comfortable on the stage. They cancompose speeches based on their own stories. They can face a large audience with eye contact. They can handle situations where they forget some content by continuing the speech. They can learn and implement their IEs' supportive feedback positively. People find the better version of themselves by moving forward in their Pathways.

The evaluation team are fresh new role takers. Timer@haiyan bravely takes this critical role. Her dilligence makes the meeting very efficient - we hold the meeting within our plan. Grammarian@Sam likes English very much. He is intelligent in finding interesting words to make the role meaningful. Ah-Counter@Coco is always capable of delivering a well-thought report. She even gives tips and plan for herself and for the audience. Taking a role is worth the meeting time and entrance.

Discover potential, shape ourselves, in the meetings.

Thanks to our guests:

@Michael as TMD

@haiyan as Timer

@Sam as Grammarian

@Leo as TTE

@Darren as IE

@Emma He


@Sophia and her dad

poster agenda TableTopics Word of Today guest photo all photo
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