Shanghai Yu-Life Toastmasters Club Meetings #402

meeting #402 @[2022-06-12 Sun]

The 402nd meeting, we still held it online. The pandemic in Shanghai City is still unpredicatable.

This is a special meeting with new club officer installation. Each new officer presented his/her vision and plan for this club. This is a wonderful experience to contribute to a club we all love.

There is much interesting discussion during the installation. We all expect a growing and prosperous club.

Hope to see you soon in our book store! We miss you so much.

poster agenda TableTopics Word of Today guest photo all photo Best TableTopics Speaker Best Prepared Speaker Best Evaluator Best Meeting role
Poster 402 Agenda 402 Role Taking Resuscitate - - Carla Gan - Wing Wong 老獬/Joker Xu/Peter Yu