Shanghai Yu-Life Toastmasters Club Meetings #407

meeting #407 @[2022-07-17 Sun]

Our meeting is still online according to the guideline from D85 committee.

SAA@Carla prepares a wonderful visual mind game. We all like it.

TTM@Peter brings us the topic - summer night. Most of us may think of romance and mystery in the hot night. Well, TTM's questions are full of wisdom and consideration.

People have a lot to share with the topic.

Two prepared speeches are all Ice Breaker speeches.

@Darren tells us a wavy story about his sales experience. One side is the customer, the other side is a colleague. What should he do?

@Susie talks about her feeling and growth in reading clubs. It is a fascinating endeavor to read many books. But if you are a reader, can't you help yourselves reading?

GE@Wing and her team Timer@Lanlan, Ah-counter@Sally, and Grammarian@Justus have done a constructive and humorous evaluation. This gives great encouragement to all the attendees.

A unstoppable meaningful meeting.

Thank You! Until next Sunday.

Dear guests, if you want to become our club member, make sure you join our meeting and speak up. Our VPM@Calin will more than delighted to let you know the process and benefit.

poster agenda Table Topics Word of Today guest photo all photo Best Table Topics Speaker Best Prepared Speaker Best Evaluator Best Meeting role
Poster 407 Agenda 407 Summer Night Endeavor - - Coco Susie Sun Wing Wang Coco (TMD)