Shanghai Yu-Life Toastmasters Club Meetings #417

meeting #417 @[2022-10-16 Sun]

This is the first meeting in October after 2 weeks break. Many people still remain in a holiday state. We need fire up.

SAA/President/TTM@Peter uses a hug-game to bring people in the perfect meeting mode.

TTM@Justus uses his unique friendly style to spread out the interesting topic: Hobbies and Habits. People first seem hesitate in answering questions, but soon become eager to know what the questions are. Fantastic job.

The three prepared speeches are excellent presented from three awesome members. Mia's Ice Breaker is full of personal stories and true emotion, which shows her dedication in improve public speaking skills. You will get it. Lanlan's talk is vivid. The whole speech is a single story between her son and herself. It demonstrates the whole-hearted love in a family. Joker's speech once again reveals that he masters the stage maturely and easily. He can always bring new ideas in his powerful speeches.

Looking forward to more such outstanding performance from our members.

There are many shining points in the evaluation parts. First time guest Mr. Zhang take the flag as our TTE. His calm style and detailed observation and constructive suggestion make the evaluation to a very high standard.

Thrush's As are giving great encouragement to the speakers in pointing out the well-done parts.

Meeting role are great youth team. Emma as Timer always knows what exactly to say in the report. Good job.

Bell as first time Ah-Counter handles the role as a piece of cake. We see great potential in this young lady.

Thanks to our guests, your support and show-up in the meeting is invaluable to our club:


@Bell's Mother





Dear guests, if you want to become our club member, make sure you join our meeting and speak up. Our VPM@Calin will more than delighted to let you know the process and benefit.

poster agenda Table Topics Word of Today guest photo all photo Best Table Topics Speaker Best Prepared Speaker Best Evaluator Best Meeting role
Poster 417 Agenda 417 Hobbies and Habits Intelligible guests all Emma Zheng Joker Xu Mr. Zhang (guest)/Susie Sun Bell (Ah-Counter)