Shanghai Yu-Life Toastmasters Club Meetings #426

meeting #426 @[2022-12-18 Sun]

(by our Secretary @Sophia Li)

Due to the rapid spreading of Omicron, we decided to take the meeting online. Thanks for all the attendees today.

TMD and President @Peter delivers a great saying today to encourage us to insist on speaking English (yin), because it will prevent us from positive infection (yang).

SAA @Joker leads us to play a funny game, “abbreviations in English”, from easy to hard. And Coco and Justus are really good at that.

TTM @Sophia gives a realistic topic on how to spend and save money properly to make our life better. Speakers share a lot of experience and feelings about saving, budgeting, financing and effectively spending. After that, @Coco delivers an excellent evaluation speech on this session.

@Joker presents his speech in a vivid way, thus attracting audience’s attention immediately. The speech is highly praised by IE @Justus.

@Mia delivers her second time speech based on last time’s feedback. IE @Mr. Xie expresses high recognition at the speech, especially for the steady pace.

VPE @Mr. Xie acts as GE, timer and grammarian simultaneously and has done due diligent work in evaluations. Our Ah-counter @Grace also performs very well in reminding us to avoid redundant words.

At the end of the meeting, our new club officers are installed. Hope they will lead Yu-Life TMC to the next step. They are:

President: @Joker

VPE: @Peter

VPM: @Lanlan

VPPR: @Mia

Secretary: @Carla

Treasure: @Bell

SAA: @Mr. Xie

Thanks to our distinguished guests:



@Coco Ji

Thank You! Until next Sunday.

Dear guests, if you want to become our club member, make sure you join our meeting and speak up. Our VPM@Calin will more than delighted to let you know the process and benefit.

We hold the next term club officer election at the end of this meeting. The final result will be available soon.

poster agenda Table Topics Word of Today guest photo all photo Best Table Topics Speaker Best Prepared Speaker Best Evaluator Best Meeting role
Poster 426 Agenda 426 Budgeting your life phony - all Mia Han Joker Xu Coco Ji (guest) Sophia Li (TTM)