Shanghai Yu-Life Toastmasters Club Meetings #427
meeting #427 @
This is second on-line meeting in a roll. The situation is similar to lockdown. Shangshufang is even closed for holiday.
Current President @Peter delivers his last openning address with great hope and best wishes to everybody and to the club.
SAA @Joker will be the new president. His short memory warmup game is very good for on-line meeting.
TTM @Bell debuts her first Table Topics Master in the year end meeting. The theme "celebration" fits the holiday season as well. The gift design is clever.@Peter finally gets his Level 5 project 3 done. His speech about virus and immune system is very vivid and educational. People like it very much.
TMD@Coco Ji is always trust-worthy. She not only takes the role when asked, but also constantly makes the best of it. Great Talent.
Peter leads the evaluation team. They all done the due diligent job. GE@Peter: complete evaluation and constructive feedback for every role. Timer@xws: focus on the time use for TT speakers and Prepared speaker. Grammarian@Joker: smart word of today select and vivid illustration of the English language in the meeting.
Thanks to our distinguished guests:
@Coco Ji
@Emma He
Thank You! Until next Sunday.
Dear guests, if you want to become our club member, make sure you join our meeting and speak up. Our VPM@Lanlan Geng will more than delighted to let you know the process and benefit.
We hold the next term club officer election at the end of this meeting. The final result will be available soon.
poster | agenda | Table Topics | Word of Today | guest photo | all photo | Best Table Topics Speaker | Best Prepared Speaker | Best Evaluator | Best Meeting role |
Poster 427 | Agenda 427 | Celebration | Transcend | - | all | Coco Ji | Peter Yu | Mia Han | Bell (TTM) |