Shanghai Yu-Life Toastmasters Club Meetings #428

meeting #428 @[2023-01-08 Sun]

This is our first meeting in 2023 with our new club officers. We have this meeting on-line.

New President @Joker delivers the openning address with ease and hope. It is a very good start indeed.

The president is also our TMD. This is a familiar role to @Joker. He quickly brings the meeting in its standard way.

TTM @Peter prepares many interesting questions about the new year 2023. People get to think about what they want to do as a new start. Seven speakers give their impromptu speech in different styles.

TTE@Semy is always there observing each and every Table Topics speakers. Her evaluation is often accurate and constructive, making the speakers feel flattered and encouraged.

@Peter prepared another Level 5 speech. His speech has a lot of humorous elements. We see that he wants to make a joke of the virus.

@Lele as IE has her own special angle. She praises the speaker with clear examples, and also points out the connect between the purpose of speech with Pathways.

@Jim leads the evaluation team. Some of them are new guests. They all done the due diligent job. GE@Jim: complete evaluation and constructive feedback for every role with very promising sound to encourage everyone. Timer@Lily: amazing performance as a first time timer. Grammarian@Evans: very clear voice in both role explaination and report.

Thanks to our distinguished guests:









Thank You! Until next Sunday.

Dear guests, if you want to become our club member, make sure you join our meeting and speak up. Our VPM@Lanlan Geng will more than delighted to let you know the process and benefit.

poster agenda Table Topics Word of Today guest photo all photo Best Table Topics Speaker Best Prepared Speaker Best Evaluator Best Meeting role
Poster 428 Agenda 428 New Year, New Start Promising - all Lele Lu (guest) Jim Zeng (guest) Joker Xu (TMD)