Shanghai Yu-Life Toastmasters Club Meetings #429
meeting #429 @
This is our first meeting in 2023 with our new club officers. We have this meeting on-line.
SAA@xws welcomes all the meeting attendees on this chilly Sunday morning, and leads a sound warm-up game.
New President @Joker delivers the opening address. Take the timer role and join the table topics session.
TMD@Peter: role playing agenda introduction, different gardens in the meeting. I like his new guest introduction part very much. He easily makes the guests feel comfortable to speak using his gentle and loud voice. I hope we can all do this like Peter.
TTM @Akeel topic is dream of new year. tactic in selecting and engaging candidates, encouraging the use of wot - positive.TTE@Mia speaks from airport. Comment on the TTM, encourage. Very good wishes. 1. Emma He - last night dream, use positive 2. Cindy - recurring dreams, more story 3. Emma Zheng - stay sleep in a beautiful dream or stay awake without a dream, confident, speak longer 4. Yasmine - dream and forget or never dream, different tone 5. Joker - why do we dream, style 6. Peter - dreams can help us tell the future, style 7. Coco Ji - difference between a dream and a goal, style
@Coco Ji presents her L2-2 speech in our club - discovery leadership style. Dialogue with the audience. Dialogue with her sister.
@Yasmine as IE: clear announcement of the title and time limits. Connect the speech with the goal of the project - leadership style, coaching. comments on the speech structure, very detailed main points review. Suggestion also well structure with 3 points, vivid expression example for improvement. Should mention the clearly Overtime problem.
@xws leads the evaluation team. Some of them are new guests. They all done the due diligent job. GE@xws: full report. Timer@Joker: multitask, fluent and confident with humor, background color; positive comment for the meeting; also suggestion for individual speakers. Grammarian@Emma Zheng: sweet voice, positive; report is structured: wot; then each speaker's good usage and bad usage - covered from vocabulary and tense. Ah-Counter@David: Calm voice, clear voice; counter filler words with 20-time line clearly with names, very good job. useful advice for slowing down. confident in voice.
Thanks to our distinguished guests:
Cindy - Singapore
@Jamin - programmer
@Emma He
@David - Japan
@Coco Ji
Thank You! Until next Sunday.
Dear guests, if you want to become our club member, make sure you join our meeting and speak up. Our VPM@Lanlan Geng will more than delighted to let you know the process and benefit.
poster | agenda | Table Topics | Word of Today | guest photo | all photo | Best Table Topics Speaker | Best Prepared Speaker | Best Evaluator | Best Meeting role |
Poster 429 | Agenda 429 | Dreams for the New Year | Positive | - | all |