Shanghai Yu-Life Toastmasters Club Meetings #431
meeting #431 @
This is our first meeting after the Spring Festival in Shangshufang. We have several new guests and welcome Jessie back.
SAA@xws welcomes all the meeting attendees on this rainy Sunday morning. The warmup game is about practice your breath in the speaking.
Our Presidents @Joker gives the opening address for our meeting.
TMD@Peter uses his charming voice introduces the meeting agenda and evaluation team. Everything goes correctly.
TTM@xws starts the Table Topics - expectation. Altogether we have 9 speakers on the stage to give impromptu speeckes by answering questions from TTM.TTE@Emma dilvers detailed evaluation for each TT speakers and the TTM. Her note is carfully written. Her voice is very clear. I expect that she could have more eyecontact with the audience and could use more flexible gestures.
We have one prepared speech - from Joker. Joker did his last speeches in level 2. It is a very vivid demonstration of Joker's humorous style in constructing and presenting a serious speech.
IE@Wuzhong is a very mature evaluator. He quickly gets the main point of Joker's speech, and confirms Joker's great performance in movement and gestures. His comment about music usage in speech is also very thoughtful.
GE@Wing lead the evaluation team. Timer@Jessie: dare to ring the bell many time to give the stop signal. Grammarian@Susie: using WoT - flexible, sweet voice, encouraging evaluator. Ah-Counter@Reyes: very good pronouceation, correct grammer and outstanding tips for avoiding filler words, great report.
Thanks to our distinguished guests:
Emma He
Thank You! Until next Sunday.
Dear guests, if you want to become our club member, make sure you join our meeting and speak up. Our VPM@Lanlan Geng will more than delighted to let you know the process and benefit.
poster | agenda | Table Topics | Word of Today | guest photo | all photo | Best Table Topics Speaker | Best Prepared Speaker | Best Evaluator | Best Meeting role |
Poster 431 | Agenda 431 | Expectation | Flexible | guests | all | Joke | (TMD) |