Shanghai Yu-Life Toastmasters Club Meetings #433
meeting #433 @
This is a chilly Sunday morning. We have a few guests.
SAA@xws is late.
Our Presidents @Joker is late.
TMD@Susie makes the smart change to invite @Peter as the president in duty.
The first half of Table Topics started, but TTM@Joker is late. @Peter acts again as the TTM in duty. The real TTM@Joker comes just before the end of the first half.The second half of the Table Topics is full of laughter. People play roles in a 5 sentence dialogue to make a full story. The beginning and ending is defined, but the process has to be created. This is a very special Table Topics.
TTM@Darren uses his stable voice to evaluate each and every speakers as well as the TTM. The evaluation is direct and instructive.
GE@xws lead the evaluation team. Timer@Tom: very brave on the stage, clear time record with good advice for the speakers. Grammarian@Peter: remember good usage and wrong language precisely. Ah-Counter@Tiffany: a brilliant evaluation, praise with encouragement to all the members.
Thanks to our distinguished guests:
Tom Zhang
Thank You! Until next Sunday.
Dear guests, if you want to become our club member, make sure you join our meeting and speak up. Our VPM@Lanlan Geng will more than delighted to let you know the process and benefit.
poster | agenda | Table Topics | Word of Today | guest photo | all photo | Best Table Topics Speaker | Best Prepared Speaker | Best Evaluator | Best Meeting role |
Poster 433 | Agenda 433 | Speaking in the music | Cherish | guests | all | Tiffany | - | Tiffany | Darren(TTE) |