Shanghai Yu-Life Toastmasters Club Meetings #434

meeting #434 @[2023-03-05 Sun]

This is a sunny Sunday morning. We have quite a few guests. I feel that the spring of Yu-Life is coming.

SAA@xws gives the standard opening of Yu-Life meeting without a warmup game.

Our Presidents @Joker opens the meeting with a humorous style.

TMD@Peter always makes this role to be the finest meeting character in Yu-Life. His style is casual but just getting you to the meeting.

I am the TTM. We talk about cooking. Many people cook, and they enjoy cooking too. 8 people give their impromptu speeches based on my questions. I can see that life is delicious for them because I hear their love of cooking.

TTM@Wing is also our sharing master today. She has done a quick evalution of all the Table Topics speakers. Her sharing is about CD - career development, which attracts all the audience including students. Who doesn't want a good career in this busy society?

I rehersal my contest speech in the meeting. Joker, Peter, Wing give me great feedback about how to improve. I will implement some of them in my next try.

GE@Wing leads the evaluation team. She is very good at it. Timer@Tom: our second time timer. He makes great improvement on the stage. Very structured time record and insideful tips for time control. Grammarian@Evans: ruminate is good word of today. I finally get its meaning after long time ruminating. Ah-Counter@Lily: one of our new guest, very good English and warmhearted girl.

Thanks to our distinguished guests:

Tom Zhang





Thank You! Until next Sunday.

Dear guests, if you want to become our club member, make sure you join our meeting and speak up. Our VPM@Lanlan Geng will more than delighted to let you know the process and benefit.

poster agenda Table Topics Word of Today guest photo all photo Best Table Topics Speaker Best Prepared Speaker Best Evaluator Best Meeting role
Poster 434 Agenda 434 Let's talk about cooking Ruminate guests all - - -