Shanghai Yu-Life Toastmasters Club Meetings #447
meeting #447 @
This is a meeting with a lot of surprise.
First, it is raining very hard when I arrive at Shangshufang. The door is closed. I am afraid that few people would come even the few who have registered. However, Yolanda comes right after I am at the door. I feel very grateful that she keeps her words.
The manager in the bookstore comes soon right after our president Joker. Great! we have 3 people already.
When we begin to setup the meeting venue, not only one but three new guests - Karl, Daniel and Selian come one after another. What a supurise in this rainy Sunday morning. Stick to our meeting schedule and we will have people.
Our meeting starts with 9 people. This is good enough for a high quality meeting - better than what I have thought.
TTM@Lanlan Geng holds the great topic - happy father's day. Each and every father come to the stage and tell their story about relationship between fathers and children.
We have two prepared speakers: Icebreaker from Yolanda and second speech from Carol. Both of them have successfully delivered their content with fluent English, various gestures and true passion. I am glad that our club begins to start from the basics - prepared speeches and individual evaluation.
As the TMD, I transfer the role of General Evaluator to the 9 meeting attendees. Each of us give our evaluation to one the meeting roles who have not yet been evaluated: SAA, President, TMD, TTE, IE1, IE2, Timer, Ah-Counter, and Grammarian. I learn that I should use correct pronounciation of excellent, give more information of the next speaker, and improve the Table Topics session by moving TTM to a seat.
When there is challenge, there is a chance. I really understand what it means. I hope each meeting participants have learn their own lessons and enjoy the Sunday morning.
Thanks to our distinguished guests:
Thank You! Until next Sunday.
Dear guests, if you want to become our club member, make sure you join our meeting and speak up. Our VPM@Lanlan Geng will more than delighted to let you know the process and benefit.
poster | agenda | Table Topics | Word of Today | guest photo | all photo | Best Meeting role | Best Table Topics Speaker | Best Prepared Speaker | Best Evaluator |
Poster 447 | Agenda 447 | Happy Father's Day | Tremendous | guests | all | - | - | - | - |