Shanghai Yu-Life Toastmasters Club Meetings #451

meeting #451 @[2023-07-23 Sun]

It is partly raining and partly shining. It is a superb weather for our toastmasters meeting.

As the acting SAA, I simply skip the warmup game because I see everyone is already enjoying the hot wind.

Our President@Henry always finds exciting points in doing his meeting opening. He encourages all the audience to learn from today.

c Henry is also the TTM. He holds the traditional topic: travel. Altogether 10 people come to the stage and answer different questions. Some talk about travel with or without other peopl; some talk about interesting places visited; some talk about food during travel; some talk about future travel plan; some talk about awkward travel experience. We have some much to say about travel.

We have one prepared speech from @Yolanda. This is her second speech in the level 1 project. She talks about her job - how do we work. She is so good at her job that she can hardly stop talking and talking. She also asks questions to interact with the audience, which makes her topic more interesting to the audience. She even does a live demo with an audience to further connecting her topic with everybody's daily life. Great speech for level 1.

Our GE@Joker and Evans lead the diligent evaluation team:

Timer@James: Shy but careful in time control

Ah-Counter@Alex: veteran in control the stage, good suggestion

Grammarian@Vikki: first time meeting role, yet bravely demonstrating a superb job

IE@Calin: really encouraging and constructive evaluation with future suggestion

TTE@Joker: Evaluate 11 people in 10 minutes is not easy. Good job in using EFD.

Our VPPR@Carol sponsors a very cute toy dog as the best Table Topics trouphy. The winner is @Vikki, who talks vividly a foreign travel experience in Korea.

Looking forward to our next meeting - I hear that there will be a master sharing. Stay tuned.

Thanks to our photographer @Ms. Sang.

Thanks to our distinguished guests:






Thank You! Until next Sunday.

Dear guests, if you want to become our club member, make sure you join our meeting and speak up. Our VPM@老獬 will more than delighted to let you know the process and benefit.

poster agenda Table Topics Word of Today guest photo all photo Best Meeting role Best Table Topics Speaker Best Prepared Speaker Best Evaluator
Poster 451 Agenda 451 Travel Superb guests all - Vikki Zhu - -