Shanghai Yu-Life Toastmasters Club Meetings #454

meeting #454 @[2023-08-13 Sun]

This is another hot Sunday. The meeting venue is particularly convenient with excellent air conditioning and fans. People are gathering around around 10 o'clock. Some are old friends, and some are new.

Lanlan, as our new VPE, finally shows up as the SAA. She brings a new high IQ game - word following up. I could not find a word of animal or number starting with a Y in 10 seconds. What a hard game! My Cambridge dictionary has only 2 words for that: yak and yeti.

Our acting President@Peter Introduces TI and Yu-Life formally by telling the history, value and slogan. He announces the opening of the meeting.

I am the TMD. After inviting the evaluation team, we enter the Table Topics session as usual.

TTM @Joker prepares 8 questions in 2 categories: crisis and chance. At last 7 people take 4 chance questions and 3 crisis questions. Many of them use the word of today - abandon. I see that most of impromptu speakers are very confident on the stage. They can use the answer - reason - example - summary structure very well in the 2-minute speech.

TTE@Peter is very humorous. He talks a few examples with good laugh points, which makes his evaluation memorable. At least, I still remember the toilet paper and friends.

Prepared speaker@Maggie delivers her first speech - Icebreaker. Her title is about life starts at the end of your comfort zone. She tells two personal stories that illustrate the main point vividly and properly. I notice that she is very confident in using her voice and gesture to interact with the audience. This is not an Icebreaker, but rather a speech contest speech. All her passion and influence reach the audience effectively. I listen and feel that I should move out of my chair and do something different. A talented speaker, and we are lucky to have her in our club.

IE@Peter evaluated this wonderful speech with his sharp observation. I remember the cards with stories technique in showing main points.

Our GE@Maggie leads the diligent evaluation team:

Timer@Sophia: very standard timer's role - clear rule introduction, detailed summary. May need some advice in how to make better time management.

Ah-Counter@Vikki: great summary in mentioning all the filler words of people during the meeting. Useful tips for asking questions, pauses, and looking for interaction to avoid filler words.

Grammarian@Bell: choose a good word of today - abandon, and gives a sad example of usage to make the word clear. Many people use the word.

Our VPPR@Carol once again sponsors a very cute toy (I think it is a bear?) as the best Table Topics speaker trophy. The winner is @Grace - a brave girl coming from a long way to our club for the second time.

Looking forward to our next meeting - new member ceremony. Stay tuned.

Thanks to our photographer @Ms. Sang.

Thanks to our distinguished guests:









Thank You! Until next Sunday.

Dear guests, if you want to become our club member, make sure you join our meeting and speak up. Our VPM@老獬 will more than delighted to let you know the process and benefit.

poster agenda Table Topics Word of Today guest photo all photo Best Meeting role Best Table Topics Speaker Best Prepared Speaker Best Evaluator
Poster 454 Agenda 454 What if... Abandon guests all 老獬 Grace (guest) Maggie Chen Maggie Chen