Shanghai Yu-Life Toastmasters Club Meetings #461

meeting #461 @[2023-10-15 Sun]

It's a sunny Sunday, and it's good for our special outing/meeeting in Minhang Sports Park.

SAA@Alex prepares a game as impromptu story follow up, where each attendee creates a part of the story based the persons before. This game brings people together and makes good jokes. It serves the purpose of warmup.

Our acting president@Henry acts as TMD also for today's special meeting - club outing.

I am the TTM and bring the topic - ethic. This is an important topic yet is not well-thought-over by many people. Hope the questions could help people open up conversions with friends around them.

Now comes the show time.

Calin leads the game for kids. She carefully prepares many interesting sentences to trick the kids into saying funny words. We together have a great time.

Many kids give their talent show on the stage. That's the meaning of a Toastmasters meeting. We provide a positive and supportive learning experience for people to grow and boost their confidence.

We have our new member ceremony during the meeting. Grace, Alex and Selina become our new members. We wish them the best in the Toastmasters journey.

Timer@Lanlan Geng: very easy-going role in control the time.

TTE@Maggie: great adaption for this outing and really showing tips for the audience

Good time always passes fast. Three-hour meeting ends in a friendly way.

Looking forward to our next meeting. Stay tuned.

Thanks to our photographer @Ms. brm.

Thanks to our distinguished guests:







Thanks to our VPPR@Carol once again brings a cute dinosaur as the best Table Topics speech gift.

Thank You! Until next Sunday.

Dear guests, if you want to become our club member, make sure you join our meeting and speak up. Our VPM@老獬 will more than delighted to let you know the process and benefit.

poster agenda Table Topics Word of Today guest photo all photo Best Meeting role Best Table Topics Speaker Best Prepared Speaker Best Evaluator
Poster 461 Agenda 461 Beautiful Moments Impressive guests all - New Member (Grace HUO/Alex LEE/Selina LI) - -