Shanghai Yu-Life Toastmasters Club Meetings #463

meeting #463 @[2023-10-29 Sun]

It's a cool Sunday morning. Our neighbor has new opening event. People are registering in order to buy some eggs. I met Ms. Gabriel. She is coming to visit us from Nanjing and will leave for Jiangxi today. How diligent she is! That's the charm of Toastmasters. When you look at the benefit, you know it is worth the time.

I combine my SAA project with the SAA role and make a game plus speech. I see people are enjoying it. At least, my games make them thinking how to warm up the body and warm up the mind.

Our acting president@Joker declares the opening of our meeting because we are late.

Our first time TMD@Lisa is a very well-prepared for this role and she helps arrange some missing roles before the meeting. She could hold the stage with her kind style and move the meeting smoothly. Each and every person on the stage feels at home.

Maggie and Heilly are our Halloween Table Topics Master. Heilly pulls out many pictures and asks the guest to give a free style impromptu speech based on the picture. It's an innovative way to make the Table Topics easy-going because people sometimes feel it is hard to answer questions.

Vikki is the TTE. Her evaluation is very well done. She dresses like witch and her comment is like magic show. She points a shining points and give concrete improvement for the 8 people on the stage. Her standing position is perfect with her costume, and her passion in evaluation matches her vocal variety. She is moving to a new star.

Alex finally gives his Icebreaker speech. He talks about the learning journey from English corner to Toastmasters clubs and lands on Yu-Life. He is calm yet his humor sneaks out of his facial expression, his vocal variety and his funny gestures. He has some talents in making good speeches on the stage. It's glad to see we have so many excellent new members who dare to show the better version of themselves.

Two IEs @Joker and @Calin are marvelous observers and fantastic listeners. They use encouraging words and solid examples to illustrate their idea about how to make the speeches more attractive and more meaningful. That's exactly the essence of evaluation.

I take the GE role after long time pause. I know this time we have a few different things to say. The better Timer role from Q division, The super TTE from our Vikki, the newcomer as Ah-Counter and our veteran Grammarian.

Timer@Xiaoyi: very skillful in delivering the rules and report, we learn from you a Timer can be different and what is excellence.

Ah-Couter@Garbiel: happy birthday to you, you have done a marvelous job as the first time Au-Counter in our club.

Grammarian@Calin: I see an outstanding new role here, how come you suddenly become so good at doing a Grammarian job?

The meeting ends in a Halloween photo. Enjoy every moment of the meeting, and enjoy every moment of life.

Looking forward to our next meeting. Stay tuned.

Thanks to our photographer @Ms. Sang.

Thanks to our distinguished guests:

Bruce TAN

Wendy TAN




Thanks to our @Maggie brings candy and @Vikki brings decorations.

Thank You! Until next Sunday.

Dear guests, if you want to become our club member, make sure you join our meeting and speak up. Our VPM@老獬 will more than delighted to let you know the process and benefit.

poster agenda Table Topics Word of Today guest photo all photo Best Meeting role Best Table Topics Speaker Best Prepared Speaker Best Evaluator
Poster 463 Agenda 463 Halloween Marvelous guests all Xiaoyi (Timer) 老獬 老獬/Alex Vikki Zhu (TTE)