Shanghai Yu-Life Toastmasters Club Meetings #468
meeting #468 @
It is a warm winter morning again. I receive two last minute cancel from two fantastic friends - they are even more considerate than some club members - they tell me in advance so we have good time to catch up with the backup plan. We have enough people, and it is not hard to fill in the blank quickly. Emma HE takes the Ah-Counter role without hesitation. Thank you, Emma.
Our SAA@Peter sings the club song - YU JIAN (meeting YU) by his piano. The more I sing this song, the more I feel the beautiful melody. Maybe we should sing this song in the next year 100 anniversary of Toastmasters in Shanghai.
Our acting president@Maggie CHEN debuts her first show as a president. She is doing fairly good: introduces Toastmasters and Yu-Life club using questions. Gradually, she will learn the stuff.
Our TMD@Lisa once again holds the session in great maturity. She introduces the agenda, leads the transfer very well. She also makes good adjustment during spare time. She has the sense as a good TMD.
TTM@Maggie brings a well-prepared topic - Appreciation, which she categories using a quadrote - profession, family, love and other. Many people begin to say something about their experience in life. We hear touching story from Ms. Dongmei JIANG, as her appreciation goes to the lessons in life.
Grace is the TTE. She is very versatile in evaluating each speakers in the Table Topics session. Her vocabulary is quite big, and uses many good words in describing different situation. I believe this is very important for a TTE because there are usually 8 people to be evaluated, your words should be different enough for them to remember.
We have three wonderful prepared speeches from our club members: Joker XU (P4-1), Selina (L1-3) and me (contest warm-up). I feel that I need do more prepared speech because I begin to feel uncomfortable on the stage for longer than 5 minutes.
Last but not least, Vikki ZHU as the GE leads the TAG team giving their excellent evaluation of the meeting.
Timer@Amanda: first time timer, very good performance, accurate bell
Ah-Couter@Emma HE: very strict Ah-Counter, good encouragement for good performers
Grammarian@Carol: well-prepared wot, and colorful summary of the good usage
The meeting still overtime for more than 15 minutes. Many people have to leave early because they arrange other thing right at the noon.
Thanks to our VPPR@Carol for not bringing a fantastic toy for our best Table Topics Speaker - Dongmei JIANG. Hope next time you are the winner.
Looking forward to our next meeting. Stay tuned.
Thanks to our photographer @Ms. Sang.
Thanks to our distinguished guests:
Dongmei JIANG
Emma HE
Thank You! Until next Sunday.
Dear guests, if you want to become our club member, make sure you join our meeting and speak up. Our VPM@老獬 will more than delighted to let you know the process and benefit.
poster | agenda | Table Topics | Word of Today | guest photo | all photo | Best Meeting role | Best Table Topics Speaker | Best Prepared Speaker | Best Evaluator |
Poster 468 | Agenda 468 | Appreciation | Considerate | guests | all | Maggie CHEN (TTM) | Dongmei JIANG (guest) | Joker XU | Grace HUO (TTE) |