Shanghai Yu-Life Toastmasters Club Meetings #473

meeting #473 @[2024-01-14 Sun]

We have a speech marathon for this meeting.

Due to some file tranfering issue, the update of our club meeting will be moved to our official wechat account: SH Yu-Life TMC.

You can search for this account from your wechat APP.

Sorry for the change. I hope you understand anc continue to visit our club.

Thanks to our VPE@Carol for the great new meeting agenda that is worth a million thanks. Thanks to our Treasurer@Selina for nice welcome sign-in board.

Looking forward to our next meeting. Stay tuned.

Dear guests, if you want to become our club member, make sure you join our meeting and speak up. Our VPM@Joker will more than delighted to let you know the process and benefit.

poster agenda Table Topics Word of Today guest photo all photo Best Meeting role Best Table Topics Speaker Best Prepared Speaker Best Evaluator
Poster 473 Agenda 473 Change Throw in the towel guests all Maggie CHEN (TMD) Joker XU Joker XU Peter YU (IE)