Shanghai Yu-Life Toastmasters Club Meetings #491
meeting #491 @
This is a hot Sunday. The meeting room opens late.
We have the Table Topics session again in this meeting, while we still have 4 prepared speeches including 2 20-minutes speeches. It is hard for the Timer.
Peter is the TMD. He smoothly introduces all the sessions and opens up the meeting. The prepared speeches come first. Both Maggie and Joker deliver a longer speech with visual aids.
Joker talks about 3F principle to learn new skills. Maggie introduces the Ikigai concept for finding your life goal. Their illustation is fluent and content is well prepared. However, from my point of view, they are trying to fulfill the pathways, not really looking into improving presentation skills. I admit that I have the same problem in taking roles. Especially, when I take the general evaluator role, I try to excel, but do not know how. Maybe I need visit more advance clubs to learn from others.
Both Cicy and Hellen have performed wonderfully in their speeches. This is exactly what I want see. New people know that they want to improve so their preparation and effort are much more rewarded.
Cicy talks about running in the dark. She uses some pictures to show us the situation and obstacle. In the begining, I think she has pathetic for the blind friends and wants to help. In the process, she grows her own ability and reaches higher goals. At the end, she call us all to volunteer because it is really an amzaing experience. I can feel her passion and sincerity. I also notice that she is still nervous. I would suggest that she practices a little bit more about this speech maybe in front of her running partners.
Hellen's speech is about story telling, and she is a good story teller. I am totally captivated by the surprise and conflicts in her stories. All her stories support her main point - promotion, but at last it is not the promotion that is the reward but the process to pursue promotion makes her stronger in skills and in mindset. I feel her power in the story, and I think her volume can be a little big loauder. That will be more powerful.
The evaluation team:
GE: Laoxie
Timer: Lisa LIU
Ah-counter: Jasmine
Grammarian: David
IE1: Maggie
IE2: Zhong WU
IE3: Stephanie
IE4: Jason
Thanks to our distinguished guests:
David (Guoxue club)
Dear guests, if you want to become our club member, make sure you join our meeting and speak up. Our VPM@Stephanie will more than delighted to let you know the process and benefit.
agenda | poster | Table Topics | Word of Today | guest photo | all photo | all the best | Best Meeting Role | Best Table Topics Speaker | Best Prepared Speaker | Best Evaluator |
491st agenda | 491st poster | Power of idol | Empower | all guests | all attendees | Vikki/Ryder/Emma/Cicy | Emma YAN (TTM) | Ryder | Cicy | Vikki ZHU (TTE) |