Shanghai Yu-Life Toastmasters Club Projects

As a Toastmasters International club, Shanghai Yu-Life Club strives to provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth.

We are thrilled to announce that we have been running the following projects in our club.

Project LEAD

LEAD - Lead, Empower, Aspire, Dynamic This is a project for developing leadership in N4 area and connecting the area leaders to the D85 district leaders as well as speech champions.

Project information:

Project LEAD - Excel on bigger stages (外面的世界很精彩) Description
Vision Growing N4 leaders to D85 stages (让 N4 大咖辈出)
Objective This project will develop:
  1. at least 1 speaker from N4 area to D85 2025 Shanghai Conference
  2. at least 1 officer from N4 area to D85 2025-2026 leaders team
Mentor Cynthia Jie XU (DTM)
Initiator 老獬
member Peter YU, Yolanda LI, Sophy (Sisi) PENG, Lisa LIU, Emma YAN
Start 2024-08-17
End 2025-03-31
Asset project LEAD
Status on-going

Project SAA

SAA - Sergeant At Arms - is very critical role for a club. This role demonstrates the first impression of our club to every meeting participant. The vision of this project is to achieve excellence for our club’s moment of truth.

Project information:

Project SAA Description
Objective practice and train SAA, accumulate SAA material for our club
Initiator 老獬
member Peter Yu, Joker Xu
Start 2023-07-02
End 2023-12-31
Asset project SAA
Status closed

We have collected 15 warmup games which could make our meeting with joy. Peter will continue being the SAA for Yu-Life club so the project will move on.

Project Ah-Counter

Ah-Counter - is very special role for a regular club meeting. This role will listen and collect all the filler words of all the speakers in a meeting. People normally will not find this role in other meetings except in a Toastmasters meeting. This role demonstrates the care and expertise of a club to every meeting participant and help people know about their talking habits. The feedback will often have immediate effect in the speakers’ next speech. The vision of this project is to achieve excellence for our club’s moment of truth.

Project information:

Project SAA Description
Objective practice and train Ah-Counter, accumulate Ah-Counter material for our club
Initiator Lisa LIU
member Danny, Lanlan GENG, 老獬,
Start 2024-03-24
End 2023-04-31
Asset project Ah-Counter
Status closed